Science Explorer (SciX)

Science Explorer (SciX) is a groundbreaking digital library portal managed by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a cooperative agreement with NASA. SciX builds upon the successful Astrophysics Data System (ADS), which has served astronomers and astrophysicists as a research cornerstone for over 25 years.

The SciX portal links researchers to scientific literature, data, and software in the fields of astronomy, Earth science, heliophysics, physics, and planetary science. The comprehensive library hosts over 20 million records, including refereed publications and preprints from sources like arXiv and EarthArXiv. 

Users can easily search and access abstracts and full-text publications through SciX’s user-friendly interface. The platform also tracks citations and usage of records, enhancing discovery and evaluation capabilities. Additionally, SciX provides links to external resources such as electronic articles, data catalogs, and datasets from other archives. 

Aligned with NASA’s Open Science Initiative, SciX adheres to FAIR principles, ensuring the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of scientific knowledge. At its essence, SciX embodies the spirit of scientific interconnectedness, fostering collaboration and nurturing interdisciplinary studies essential to NASA’s integrated science program. 

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The Science Explorer (SciX) user interface. A search bar sits at the top of the page with a series of Quick Field options: author, first author, abstract, year, and fulltext. Beneath the search bar is the title "Explore Across Science Focus Areas," with a banner showing images to represent each science area: Earth for Earth science, Jupiter for planetary science, a nebula for astrophysics, the Sun for heliophysics, and a close-up of a cell for biological and physical sciences.
The Science Explorer (SciX) user interface.